Skull Base Tumours


What is Skull Base Tumours?

The term skull base refers to the bottom of the skull, or the plate of bone upon which the brain sits. The skull base is an important area since it separates the brain from the remainder of the anatomic structures in the head, including the sinuses, eyes and ears.

TUMOURS may originate in the skull base or spread there from cancer elsewhere in the body (metastatic). Treating skull base TUMOURS and conditions is challenging because they are close to critical nerves and blood vessels in the brain, head, neck, and spinal cord.The tumour includes tumours arising from nerve sheath (eg Schwannoma) , blood vessels (eg. angiomas and angiosarcomas) ,muscles (eg myomas) , bone (eg osteosarcomas) , minor salivary gland tumours , extension of major salivary gland tumours , Olfactory neuromas (Esthesioneuroblastoma) cancers extending from nasopharynx , oral cavity cancers extending to skull base can be treated with open skull base surgeries.

Skull Base Tumours